Monday, May 4, 2009

Commentary on "Pig Sickness"

Mr. Ryan is definitely one of the most perceptive bloggers I have met. I do think the swine flu is blown out of proportion. This is all because how the government made of the swine flu. All they did was put tremendous fear into commoners like us, people that don't read or have any facts about the swine flu are even more terrified.

When Ryan writes, "I believe that the actions taken by many different governing bodies in the state of Texas is only playing to the crowd and essentially making the situation worse." He hit right on the spot. I feel that the government uses the swine flu as a scapegoat for the economic troubles we have. Do people with higher education not agree with me? Maybe I am making it bigger than it is; I could be making the same mistake they are right now by doing this. Nonetheless, Ryan is right. I do wish Ryan elaborated on why he thinks closing multiple schools is outrageous. What is Mr. Ryan's level on comprehending what is outrageous?

Even though Mr. Ryan enforces his statements with evidence, but I am still a little uncertain when he states, "So far there has only been one confirmed death in Texas, also the only one in the entire United States." Because after listening to the radio or reading the news, a lot of which they confirm a lot more death results compared to one. One is a REALLY small number, if not the smallest. This is only one of the very few noticing encounters with this article; otherwise I only had to read it once to understand where Ryan was coming from. His flow and word choice helped me understand his article even more.

Your opinion on how government is reinforcing people's fear is very understandable. I believe the government runs with a lot of flaws, and this is definitely one of them. The way Mr. Ryan talk about the swine flu, makes me feel ever better about it due to his positive reinforcement.

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